It might be a new year, but there’s some things that don’t change. As a PNW elopement photographer, my opinion that eloping is for everyone, is one of those things.

Eloping used to mean running away and getting married in secret. Luckily for those of us who enjoy theatrics, it can still totally be that. But for everyone else, eloping can be anything you want! It’s a great option for anyone who isn’t 1000% excited about the idea of a traditional wedding. I’m all for a big party, but big weddings can come with a lot of downsides. And getting married should be only 100% amazing. There’s no room for compromises here.

When you choose to elope, you get none of this:
- Planning for a 50+ person event. Do you know how many hours upon hours it takes to plan a wedding? I have friends who have been engaged for years because the thought of starting that planning process is too daunting. The location, venue, flowers, food, dresses, guests, lodging… the list could really go on and on. Even if you’re hiring a wedding planner, there’s a ton of work that goes into approving all of these decisions.
- Paying for a 50+ person event. Aside from all the time, effort, and brain-power it takes to plan a huge event like that, then you have to pay for it. And let me tell you, all of those different items can stack up. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great to invest in your wedding day, but only if it’s something that you feel great about. And I personally wouldn’t feel great about paying thousands of dollars for mediocre food for 50+ people.
- Guest drama. If you decide to throw caution to the wind and your invite list grows to 100+ people (which is so easy to do), there absolutely will be drama on your wedding day. With that many people, it’s unavoidable. Wether it’s your cousin from across the country who feels like it’s their duty to let everyone know they don’t love your dress, or your childhood best friend meeting your adult best friend, there’s lots of ways guests can take the attention off of the actual event.
- Pretending you totally know how to dance, in front of everyone. Yeah, let’s not.
- Forced smiles and awkward poses. Unless you’re super comfortable with being the center of attention and having a bunch of people looking at you, you’re bound to feel a bit awkward (and maybe a little uncomfortable) throughout your day. And I hate that for you. I also hate that for your photos, which you’ll look back on for years and years down the line. You should feel your absolute best on your day, and your photos should reflect that feeling.

Enough of the negatives. Big weddings are totally the best option for some people. But for the rest of us, the best thing about eloping is that you get to make it exactly what you want. You get all of this:
- Time with your partner on your day. The fewer guests you have, the fewer directions your attention will be pulled throughout the day, and you’ll get to spend more time with the person the day is actually about!
- A ceremony spot that’s special to you. Traditional wedding venues can be so limiting. Did your relationship start in a city bar? Do you both love to spend time on the beach? Does a certain landscape make you feel any kind of way? The options are endless when you elope. Visit that one beach you found on a road trip that one time. Say your vows surrounded by the mountains you’ve spent years exploring together. Anything is possible.
- Activities that make your heart soar. Being surrounded by loved ones is great, but hours of non-stop socialization can be exhausting for some of us. Would you rather watch the sunset, go on a hike or have a picnic by a waterfall? All options.
- Your favorite food. Speaking of options, they’re all yours when it comes to your elopement-day meal. If you don’t have to cater to 50+ people, you can do whatever the hell you want! You could eat at your favorite restaurant, find a hole-in-the-wall place, or even hire a private chef.
- Photos that truly show your love. With the reduced stress and the ultra-personalized timeline, you’ll be feeling your best and be able to be more in-the-moment. And that’s what makes photos truly shine. More joy and less stress – let your PNW elopement photographer worry about the rest!

At the end of the day, eloping is one way to make sure your wedding day is the absolute best day possible. If you’re considering eloping in 2025, check out these other resources below.
Other Resources for your PNW Elopement
Your Seasonal Guide to Eloping in Washington
How to Elope Quickly in Washington: Your Last-Minute Planning Guide
Eloping in Washington: Your Legal Guide to Washington Elopement Laws

Your PNW Elopement Photographer
If you’re planning to elope in 2025 and don’t know where to begin, then I’m your gal! More than just your photographer, I’m also your road trip navigator, hiking-gear carrier, officiant and local expert on all things Washington elopements! Elopement photography packages start at $2,000. Let’s do this thing!