Working with couples on crafting their perfect Washington hiking elopement is one of my favorite things. With this summer hiking season coming to a close, I’ve been working on updating my hiking spreadsheet. Yes, you read that right. I have a spreadsheet for hiking.
If I am one thing, I am organized.
I learned many years ago that there’s a lot of factors that go into being able to make the most out of hiking season here. Being able to train with appropriate difficulties to prepare you for those mountain hikes in peak season, understanding the travel times for some of those dreamy spots, and being ready with the right parking pass all allow me to hit the trail running (or… walking) all makes Washington hiking elopements possible.
Freebie below: Washington Hiking Elopement Spreadsheet

Along with the need-to-know stats, I’ve also included some notes from my personal experiences on these trails and links to the most up-to-date news from Washington Trails Association. If you’re planning a Washington hiking elopement, this is for you.
Here’s a few examples of the 80 hikes perfect for your Washington hiking elopement waiting for you on this spreadsheet.

Colchuck Lake
My favorite hike in the state, hands down. This trail is one of the two entrances into The Enchantments, so the parking lot fills up starting at 4am. It starts out pretty mildly, but then heads uphill before getting to a river crossing and boulder field, marking your halfway mark. The lake is absolutely worth the trek. It’s quite a bit colder up at the lake, so be sure to pack layers. Wildlife at the lake have been getting more and more aggressive. Do not feed the birds or chipmunks. Spend some time in the Bavarian town – Leavenworth – before heading home.

Heybrook Lookout
A steeper alternative to a similar view as Heybrook Ridge. This trail is more strenuous, but climbing the old lookout at the top may be worth it. It’s a fairly tall lookout, so those afraid of heights may not be keen to climb up. There’s not much of a view without climbing the lookout, though. Be careful when parking and pulling out – there’s only a small pullout directly off of the highway to park.
Mt. Storm King
An unrelentingly steep trail with a scrambling and rope section at the end. The first rope section is the most intimidating so if you can make it up that one, you can do the rest. This hike is not your friend if you’re scared of hikes. Do not bring your dog. Apart from just not being allowed, it’s an extremely dangerous trail at the top. This trail also gets VERY crowded so go early.
Mount Pilchuck
Thankfully, the infamously pot-hole-filled road leading to this hike is no longer! While dogs are allowed on this hike, the scramble to reach the lookout would be very difficult for a dog to follow. Make sure you either come with multiple people so you can take turns summiting, leave the pup at home, or sacrifice the 360-views and bragging rights that come with reaching the lookout.

Get Your Hiking Elopement Spreadsheet
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