After staying in a pretty limited area yesterday, we were eager to get back on the main road and get some more miles under our tires. We headed towards the East Fjords, with just one stop along the way. 

Bruarfoss was a lovely little waterfall just outside of Reydarjördur. Alaskan lupines were in bloom all around the path that led up to the falls, and there was a spectacular view of the surrounding valley and mountains in the distance. We could also see dark clouds coming through the valley headed towards us, so we didn’t take too much time here. There’s also the Icelandic Wartime Museum that we didn’t go to, but if you’re interested in that kind of thing you definitely could. 

With that, we started our drive along the east shore of Iceland. The views were insane. Every couple of miles we just had to pull over to admire the view. The Vattarnes Sea Cliffs were especially spectacular. 

Words and pictures really can’t do it justice. I don’t think Chelsea can say the same considering she’s not a huge fan of cliffs on the edge of roads, but this drive was probably the most relaxed I ever was on this trip. 

After a reindeer sighting, we slowly made our way to the next photography location: Stokksnes. If you look this location up online, you’ll see a million variations of this photo. But you know, sometimes you just have to get it for yourself. And the area was just lovely. Just a fun place to hang out. There’s tons to see, including a lighthouse, an old Viking village set for a movie that was never filmed, and if you’re lucky, seals sunbathing. 

You can faintly see the fake Viking village in the shadows of the tallest mountain here. And if you’re saying to yourself “wow, that van looks small for two people to sleep in”, you’d be correct.

I’m always battling this balance of appreciating the moment and wishing x, y or z was different so I could get the exact picture I have in my head. I always say if you want a hobby that makes you constantly frustrated, pick up photography. It’s hard to just appreciate beauty and not think “oh I wish I had my camera” or “I wish the lighting was better” or “I wish the tide was going out instead of coming in” or any variation of that. Something that I’m working on. 

On our way to our campsite for the night, we stumbled across the most picturesque scene. A few Icelandic horses were grazing in a field as the sun was “setting” below the mountains in the distance. We stopped to take some photos, and one of the horses decided to come say hi. It was the perfect ending to a wonderful day. 

My sister who has been involved in horseback riding for over a decade assures me that this is, indeed, a cool picture lol